Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Veggie Garden Overhaul!

Well where do I start? A lot has been happening in the veggie garden of late, in fact Dan and I decided to redesign and add three more raised beds. In doing this there were a lot of things to consider, first decision was the design and this is what we came up with.
The second decision was the type of wood to use for the raised beds. That was easy we needed ACQ treated timber and this was readily available at our local Bunnings hardware store. So we set about remodelling the first bed, off came the existing wood and a little bit of digging here and there and voila there was the first bed complete, now to the rest. It took quite a few weekends and finally we had the look I wanted a "stylish" looking veggie garden.

They are now filled with soil and I am slowly filling them all with seeds and lots of seedlings, so stay tuned over the next few days as I update you all with lots of photos of my veggie garden.  Happy gardening.


  1. It looks very nice, Sarah. Good luck with the veggies.

  2. Looks wonderful Sarah! I love the shapes of the raised beds. Makes my heart leap with joy to see a veggie bed starting out!

  3. Lovely--looks like you will be feeding the family! NIce to happen upon your wonderful blog!
    Robin Horton
