There is no such thing as a Gruffalo! This beautiful book has found its way into our house and Leo and Jack are just smitten with this enchanting tale of a mouse who invents a Gruffalo to save himself from evil predators, only to find that there really is a Gruffalo. Leo spied the DVD in the bookshop on Saturday and it has played non stop all weekend, and I quite liked the sound of Helena Bonham-Carters voice narrating this sweet story.
School holidays start next week so I am making a list of things to do and places to see with the boys, hopefully the weather will stay nice and warm. A trip to Taronga Zoo and the Australian Museum in town will definitely keep Leo and Jack very happy. The last week of the holidays The tree loppers will be cutting down 4 very big trees, so if the weather is good maybe a trip to the beach will keep two little boys out of mischief and away from falling branches.
Until next time......
Our household loves the Gruffalo too! Make sure you see the stage show next time it comes. We took our kids to see it at the Seymour in July and it was a *huge* hit!